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Industrial Waste

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Human activity.

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Q: What causes most water pollution?
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What are some other causes of water pollution?

what are some other water pollution causes

What is water pollution and the causes of water pollution?


What is aims and objective of water pollution?

The objective of controlling water pollution is to safeguard life of both animals and plants since water is the source of life. Most human activities like the release of chemicals into the water bodies is one of the causes of water pollution.

Can Water Pollution Cause Air Pollution?

Yes it can, if the pollutant is a volatile substance,but most of the time when the pollutant is dissolved or mixed with the water,when evaporation occurs any waste caught in the water will be left behind.This causes the water pollution to become worse with time.

What effect does oil have on water?

It causes pollution.

What causes water to be affected negatively?


What pollution causes the most damage to marble buildings?

Air pollution

What do humans dump in water bodies that causes water pollution?

OilChemical wasteFactory wasteAgricultural fertiliser runoffGarbageSewageNearly anything that could be described as being "dumped" in water bodies causes water pollution.

What causes water pollution in the great lakes?


What causes microbiological water pollution?

your mom is fat

Does water pollution cause industrial causes?


Write report on pollution of air and water?

To write a report on pollution of air and water, you should discuss the harmful impact of pollution. Discuss what causes pollution, and also how to help reduce pollution.