Your car is possibly burning oil which means you probably should have it checked by a mechanic. If your rings are bad, you could be burning it. Check to see if you're smoking or if there's an oily residue on the inside of your tailpipe. The engine may be burning the oil due to worn valve guide seals or piston rings or check your rad cap to see if there is a white foam or greasey oil on it.If you find oil in your rad the head gasket might be damaged or you could have a cracked block. please dont remove the rad cap unless the engine is cool!
If it's an older car, or a neglected car, it's possible that the piston rings are worn to the point that they are letting oil pass by and go into the combustion chamber. The oil is burned and passes out through the exhaust pipe. You won't see any oil on the ground but it will keep disappearing.
If you cannot see a leak on the ground under the truck (and you should with this much oil) it sounds like the piston rings are pretty well worn out.
check your dip stick to see if your engine oil is too low. also check oil sending unit
Check your dipstick to see if the oil has a milky appearance. If so there is coolant in your oil and you probably have a blown head gasket. If the oil looks normal and the fluid you described as brown looks the same as the color of your motor oil ( a bit dirty ) you have either blown a head gasket or craked the head. If your vehicle has an oil cooler you may have a leak in the lines to it or a leak in the cooler itself. There is also a type of refridgerant ( from your ac system ) that will turn brown when exposed to air.
It might be a freeze plug open on the motor (a safety feature). Once the level gets low enough, it will stop leaking.ANS 2 - More likely is that it's leaking while the engine is running and hot. Check at the base of waterpump. Also any hoses to heater,etc. If you don't see any leaks and it still leaks it may be the head gasket. ( Let's hope not.)
Oil pressure lights work off the pressure of oil in the engine. When the car is idleing and out of gear the engine is turning a certain RPM (Rounds Per Minute). The speed that it is turning is fast enough to keep the oil pressure at a level high enough not to trigger the light. When you place the car in gear, the engine slows down and thus the oil pressure drops to a point low enough to trigger the light. Once you accelerate, the speed of the engine increases and brings up the oil pressure. Now, the cause of this could be numerous. First make sure you have plenty of oil as this is the least expensive to fix. The oil could be too thick and needs to be changed to solve this change the oil if it's been a while. Finally there could be several mechanical reasons for low oil pressure such as a bad oil pump (not likely), clogged oil lines/ports, worn main bearings, clogged return oil ports from the heads. None of these last things are cheap to fix. However, if it's a motor with clogged oil ports (thick oil, gunk on the inside of the valve cover, etc) there are products that will disolve it that you can flush the motor with and then change the oil. This 'fix' can sometimes cause more problems to crop up and should be used as a last resort. Good luck.
the way you can see if your car has a oil leak look on the ground to see if there is a spot before you put
You can tell this before an oil change. If you see blue smoke coming out the exhaust your engine is burning oil. If you're oil level is low and you have no oil leak your burning oil.
Check to see where leak originates could be: Leaking pump seal Leaking high or low pressure hose Could be steering rack
Oil light indicates low oil pressure. When the engine revolution decreases, such as during braking or idle, oil pressure drops. If the pressure is too low, oil light will come on. Possible causes: Most likely cause is a leaky oil-pressure switch. If you see that oil is leaking from the oil-pressure switch, you need to replace the oil-pressure switch. Tighten the new switch to the correct tightening torque specified in the repair manual but do not overtighten. A leak at the oil-pressure switch causes the oil-pressure switch to give incorrect low-oil pressure warning (oil light) because the leak causes the pressure to drop around the oil switch. If this is the case, it would be easy to fix the problem. If this is not the case, there may be other oil leaks in the engine or a faulty oil pump or other engine problems. Also, obviously, make sure that your engine is not nearly stalling during braking, which would also cause the oil light to come on due to very low engine speed.
An oil leak is always going to be out of the engine as the engine contains oil and the car does not. I think you are saying you are loosing oil with no apparent leak. If that is the case the engine is burning oil and that is why you see no leaks.
If you cannot see a leak on the ground under the truck (and you should with this much oil) it sounds like the piston rings are pretty well worn out.
Oil leaks can be hard to find. Wash the engine good. Keep the oil filled, and look daily for signs of oil, even underneath the engine to see where the leak is.
Low oil pressure. Can be caused by a weak oil pump, or a defective oil pressure sending unit. Can also be that the crankcase is low of oil. Change your oil, use the correct weight and amount, install an AC/Delco, Purolator, Wix, or Bosch oil filter and see if that helps.
You find them both and look see if they are leaking.
Common causes for oil consumption include an external leak that you don't see, a failed pcv valve, stuck piston rings, worn valve seals or valve guides.
You need to find out why you have low oil pressure. Check the oil level first thing. If the oil level is ok, then check the oil pressure sending unit for a leak. You probably should just go ahead and replace it. If the oil pressure sending unit is ok, then have an oil pressure test run on the engine to see for sure if the oil pump is weak and needs replacing. Good advice
The oil could be getting into you coolant system. Check to see if your radiator fluid is milky brown.It could be a leak that only happens when your jeep is in motion.