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Currents in the coastal water masses

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The Sun/Moon can cause this.

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Q: What causes density currents?
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What causes density currents to form in the Mediterranean Sea?

the answer to this question is a density current forms when more dense seawater sinks beneath less dense seawater

How does density currents circaulate water?

Density currents circulate water because of density defferences.

What causes the formation of the two types of ocean currents?

Ocean currents are primarily caused by wind patterns, the Earth's rotation (Coriolis effect), and differences in water density due to temperature and salinity variations. Surface currents are driven by winds, while deep ocean currents are influenced by density differences and temperature gradients. The combination of these factors creates the two types of ocean currents.

Are density currents faster than surface currents?

no, density currents flow slower than surface currents because surface currents are powered by the wind ;)

What is a density currents?

Currents in the coastal water masses

How do surface currents differ from density currents?

The same thing! Deep Currents Occur when the density of the water increases. Density is based on two main things it is the civility is how much salt and other solids are in it and it is also the temperature of the water.The lower the temperature the lower the dense the water becomes. The denser the water the more it was to go down. The less dense the water wants to rise. The temperature is what causes the dense. Deep current:A streamline movement of ocean water far below the surface.

How does the uneven heating in the ocean cause convection currents?

it causes the difference in density, denser water flows to the less dense parts

Why do density current happens?

why do density currents hapen?

What causes deep curents?

Deep currents are caused partially by wind and the Coriolis effect and the other part is caused by the density change in water.

What has the author B S Jenkins written?

B. S. Jenkins has written: 'Density currents and turbidity currents in waste disposal in the ocean' -- subject(s): Waste disposal in the ocean, Seawater, Turbidity, Density currents, Density

What causes deep currents to flow?

Deep currents are primarily driven by differences in water density caused by variations in temperature and salinity. Cold, dense water sinks and flows along the ocean floor, while warmer, less dense water rises and flows near the surface. These density differences, combined with the Earth's rotation and topography, generate deep ocean currents.

How does density affect currents?

Salinity and temperature