It can happen as the result of an injury . but is more likely to hap-en to people with a predisposition to hemorrhage such as those taking anticoagulants drugs like warfarin.
Gout Is a kind of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up in blood producing uric acid crystals causing joint inflammation. Uric acid is breakdown product of Purines which are fond in the nucleus of living cells.
Oedema with congestive heart failure typically occurs when there has been right sided heart failure. Left sided HF can, however, often also lead to right sided heart failure. Basically, when RSHF occurs, the ventricle is not contracting with the same strength that it once used to. Overtime, this causes the backflow of blood from the right ventricle, artrium and into the vessels supplying this structure. This backflow causes increased pressure of blood in the vessels which are bringing blood to the heart. So, you get what is called 'increased capillary hydrostatic pressure' which just means increased pressure within the peripheral capillaries due to increased blood backflow. This causes transudate formation - some of the plasma from the capillaries is pushed out and into the interstitial spaces (spaces within the cells). This causes increased build up of fluid within the interstitial spaces and therefore oedema.
Joint pain can stem from various causes, including arthritis, injuries, and underlying medical conditions. Arthritis, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, is one of the primary culprits, leading to inflammation and cartilage damage within the joints. Injuries, whether from accidents or repetitive strain, can also cause significant joint pain if not properly treated. Additionally, conditions like lupus, fibromyalgia, and viral infections can contribute to joint pain and stiffness by causing inflammation and damage to the joint structures. For more detailed information, you can visit the jointxlplus
No, an atheroma is an abnormal fatty deposit in an artery.
Probably osteoarthritis which is a degenerative joint disease.
Hemarthrosis means bleeding into a joint.HemarthrosisHemarthrosishaemarthrosisHemarthrosis means blood within a joint space.alien blood clotshemarthrosisHemarthrosis means bleeding into a joint.
Most common cause is joint inflammation
"Hem-" means blood, "arth-" means joint, and "osis" means condition. Hemarthrosis is an abnormal collection of blood within a joint.
Blood clots are caused by certain surgical procedures and diseases.
vasodilation causes increased pressure within the blood vessel which causes gaps within endothelium to form-this allows for the increased permeability.
It causes blood to clot within the wound
it causes blood to clot within the wound.
It causes blood to clot within the wound
it causes blood to clot within the wound.
It causes blood to clot within the wound.
it causes blood to clot within the wound
It causes blood to clot within the wound.