It could be too loose. Old belts become slick and may not grip like they should. Worn pulley could do it too. Check the tension. If it's OK, they have commercial sprays that help the belt grip better.
Release the tensioner in the centre of the belt, and see what happens!
if fan is belt driven you have a worn fan clutch check where shaft enters clutch if there is any leaks or clumps of road grime sticking to fan clutch its lost its internal oil supply causing slippage some clutches will slip when engine is cold and automatically spin faster as temp rises this is called a thermostatically controlled fan clutch also w/engine off grab fan firmly and check for any play between blade and shaft replace as needed
loose bolt on distributer will allow distributer to move worn or stretched timing belt or chain can slip or jump out of timing broken tooth on timing gears If it's an older engine, with points, they just wear out.
you carnt you have tu go to a shop :)
That's a trick question right? Answer, there is no fan belt, the Solara fan is electric. Ok, you were probably referring to the serpentine belt. I went to the Autoparts Warehouse website and looked up the belt for the 6 cylinder engine. The price is about $17 for two brands (on sale) up to about $30 for a brand name. Pricing should be about the same at your local auto parts store. Hint, when replacing the serpentine belt, make a diagram of the path of your original before removing it. That will save a lot of head scratching later as you try to figure out how to route the new belt. Cheers
It can be several things, either by themselves, or in combination. 1) the belt has dried up and isn't as grippy any more. This causes it to slip and squeal. There are sprays available to restore grip on belts which might help. 2) the belt has stretched a little, which causes it to slip and squeal. Retension, usually by adjusting the alternator position and it should be OK. 3) one of the auxilliaries(alternator, power steering pump, water pump) is about to seize. If it's harder to rotate the belt will slip and squeal.
A fan belt may squeak or slip badly in cold weather due to it being stiff from the weather. However, most likely you will need the belt replaced.
Pull back the belt tensioner and slip the belt off. Reverse procedure to install.
You have to take off the alternator to be able to reach the fan . After you should oiul the belt to slip on the fan very easy . Put the alternator back on and your ready to go .
it will temporarily make it not squeek but can make it slip
Place T60 Torx into Tensioner turn clockwise slip old belt off and new one on
The fan belt cannot be tightened. The scenic has a tention pulley that automatically adjusts the belt. If the belt is slack, it is either the wrong size or it is stretched and needs to be replaced immediately as serious damage can occur in the event that the belt should slip off.
The most two most common causes are either the belt being loose or the belt wearing to the point that it slips. Check for these two problems first.
Besides having the p/s fluid cause the belt to slip, the p/s fluid will eventually ruin the belt.
RAise up on the tensoiner and remove the belt and slip the other one on. There should be a schematic on the fan shroud. If not draw one before removing the old one.
turn the bolt in the centre of the tensioner pully anti clock wise. the belt slakens and can be remove.put new be;t in place slack the tensioner and slip new belt in place
Sometimes it has to be removed, sometimes you can loosen it on one side to be able to slip the belt past to remove and replace it.