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My dad used to mix quikcrete in it

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Q: What can you use to harden leftover latex paint for disposal?
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Related questions

What is the chemical used to harden latex paint?

Various acrylic resins are used in'latex' paint to to bind and harden it.

Does latex paint breathe?

All paints have to breathe because if they don't, they won't dry and harden. It doesn't matter if the paint is latex or oil.

Can you paint over enamel with latex?

you can paint over latex paint with latex enamel.

What if you mixed oil based paint with latex based paint Can you fix the mix with another kind of hardener?

No, not as liquids. Latex paint is a water-based suspension, 'oil' paint is either a petro-chemical (i.e. paint thinner) or 'natural' (i.e. linseed) oil-based suspension. If you already tried to mix the 2, it can't even be recycled. Consult the local (county) recycling/waste disposal authority for proper disposal.

When was the base of latex paint made?

Can you restate your question are you asking what is the latex paint or are you asking when was the invention of the latex paint.

What are the dangers of a two-year-old inhaling latex paint fumes?

If you mean latex paint, none. Latex is a water based paint and has no toxic fumes.

Can polyacrylic paint over latex paint?

Yes ,you can use polyacrylic over latex

Can latex paint stick to floor grouting?

Latex paint can stick to the floor grouting.

Does muriatic acid damage latex paint?

No. Latex paint is not affected by muriatic acid.

What primer over interior latex trim paint?

Either oil or latex primer can be used over interior latex paint.

What is latex paint?

Names of products in paint are often changing. However, most latex paint is still water based.

Why does latex paint dissolve into water?

You can mix water into most latex paints up to a point. Usually eight ounces to a gallon. A better alternative is to add a latex paint additive, like Flotrol, that is made out of acrylic resin, that doesn't degrade the paint.