it can become an issue in childhood it can go away as you get older or you can by some stuff that can freeze them at the chemist
Hand sanitizer will not get rid of warts.
I have warts on my finger tips. Will bleach kill these, and how do I apply it?
A tip i have is to use Tea Tree oil. It takes a while to work and it may be weeks before you start to see results, but it is anti viral and should eventually start to break down the warts, it wont be easy though, you need to use a lot of it and often.
the "warts" may be moluscum contagiousum" (not sure on the correct spelling. they look very like warts and are very common in children. they ususally disappear as the child gets older-there is no medical cure, however some homeopathy treatments do work
See a doctor. The strains of HPV that cause lip warts are significantly more likely to be associated with cancer than those that cause common warts.
Hand sanitizer will not get rid of warts.
Lagnob leaf can rid warts?
Genital warts typically go away on their own. Treatments are available to get rid of them faster.
no, they make people disgusted GET RID OF EM!
Yes, you can have warts on your legs. Warts on the knees are common in children.
No. Children often get warts. They are from a virus that can be found in sand boxes and other places.
I have warts on my finger tips. Will bleach kill these, and how do I apply it?
YES!!! I have had terrible warts on my fingers. So I put duct tape on them and left it on for two days and my warts were gone.
They were afraid that if they told, Injun Joe would kill them.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that aloe vera effectively gets rid of warts. Warts are caused by a virus and typically require medical treatment to remove them completely. It's best to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment options.
it depends what kind of bumps you have (warts e.g)
there are a number of ways to get rid of verrucas, which are warts on the feet. You can use salycilic acid, try cryotherapy, use an emery board, or even have them cut out. However, most verrucas vanish on their own after ten to twelve weeks.