the poisonous dart frog has a bright dotted skin that contains alkaloids which is poisounous to humans if you touch it with a cut or another opening on your hand but if not the poison cannot not go through your skin
Poison Dart Frogs are about the size of your thumbnail
Poison dart frogs got that name not because the frogs have poison darts - they haven't - but because humans used the poison from the frogs to poison their darts.
No an arthrood is an insect and such but a poison dart frog is an amphibian
No frogs eat plants. Poison dart frogs get their poison from fire ants.
Poison dart frogs are not found in Vietnam, or anywhere in Asia for that matter. Poison dart frogss can be found in South America, Africa, and Australia.
Because the poison of some frogs, (poison dart frog's) poison is on the outside of the body, not the inside.
Poison Dart Frogs are about the size of your thumbnail
Poison dart frogs got that name not because the frogs have poison darts - they haven't - but because humans used the poison from the frogs to poison their darts.
No an arthrood is an insect and such but a poison dart frog is an amphibian
No frogs eat plants. Poison dart frogs get their poison from fire ants.
some types of snakes can eat the poison dart frogs, if they can cope with the poison.
Adult Poison dart frogs breath through their skin and lungs
Poison dart frogs are carnivores, which would make them consumers.
poison dart frogs do not have webbed feet. they have sticky pads on there feet
Any Species that share the same poison traits, such as... Poison Dart Frogs.
They are called poison dart frogs.