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Gas and dust in a nebula is disturbed by an outside force

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Gas and dust in a Nebula is disturbed by an outside force.

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Q: What begins the process of solar system formation?
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What begins the process of the solar system formation Apex?

What begins the process of solar system formation? Gas and dust in a nebula is disturbed by an outside force. Apex

What begins in the process of solar system formation?

The formation of sun is the most important part of solar system formation. Sun is the reason for formation of rocky planets.

What begins the process the solar system formation?

Gas and dust in a nebula is disturbed by an outside force

What begins the process of a solar system?

The collapsing disk of gas and dust

When did the formation of the solar system occur?

The formation of the solar system occurred around 4.6 billion years ago. The process began with the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud and eventually led to the formation of the Sun, planets, and other celestial objects.

Was Extra debris was swept out away from our solar system by the sun's radiation and solar wind towards the end of the formation of our solar system?

Extra debris was swept out away from our solar system by the sun's radiation and solar wind towards the end of the formation of our solar system.

What is the role of the stars in the formation of the solar system?

the solar role

What is the force that caused the formation of the plants in our solar system?

Plants in our solar system, including those on Earth, formed due to the force of gravity that led to the condensation of dust and gas in the early solar system. This process eventually allowed for the formation of protoplanetary disks, which served as the birthplace of plants through processes such as accretion and differentiation.

What drives the process of Cloud formation?

solar energy

What thing remnants of the formation of the solar system?

Most object that are currently in the Solar System are such remnants.

How is the information of a star linked to the formation of the solar system?

star formation and protoplanitery disks the solar system formed 4.5-4.6 billions ago

Why are some rocks younger then the formation of the solar system?

Some rocks are younger then the formation of the solar system because of changes caused by volcanic activity