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Island Punch is a flavor of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans

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Q: What beans begin with the letter I?
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What vegetables that begin with the letter l?

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What bean starts with a?

At least three varieties of beans begin with the letter "a": Adzuki, Amaranth, and Anasazi beans.

What are things that you put on pizza that begin with the letter g?

Green beans

What are some foods that begin with the letter B and have iron in it?

Broccoli, beans, beef

What are some grocery items begin with the letter J?

juice janitorial supplies Jelly Beans

What vegetabules begin with the letter f?

fennel and fava beans , btw i think u mean vegeTABLES

What are some foods that begin with the letter C in Africa?

There is the obvious one of COCONUT. And there are also cocoa beans.

What are some things on a farm that start with the letter I?

Lima beans, lemons, limes, lettuce and leeks are grown on a farm. They begin with the letter l.

What meat begin with an 'b'?

Baked beans are a food. They begin with b.

What toys begin with the letter d?

Doll, dreidel, drum, draughts (checkers), "Don't spill the beans", dice.

What are some candies that begin with the letter K?

Here are some candies that begin with the letter K:Kit KatKits candyKrackel (chocolate bar)Kernals popcornKisses (Hershey)Kiwi Jelly Belly Jelly Beans

Which adjectives begin with the letter O and what do they mean?

Overconfident beans unreasonably confident. Obscure means hidden, concealed or dubious.