The 'Mona Lisa' belongs to the art movement of the Renaissance. The style is Classical Realism. It is also one of the first paintings to employ atmospheric perspective.
"The Mona Lisa" is in the Lourve, in Paris, France.
The Mona Lisa is inside the Louvre in Paris, France.
3rd row, 8th column
The Louvre
Artist - Oleg Shchuplyak \ View in the Italian style Less International Art, Oleg Shchuplyak, Mona Lisa, Oleg Shuplyak, Art Surrealistas, Illusions Art, Art Parody, Italian Style, Art Digital Shuplyak - Mona Lisa
"The Mona Lisa" is in the Lourve, in Paris, France.
The Mona Lisa is inside the Louvre in Paris, France.
No. The Mona Lisa is in the Musee du Louvre in Paris.
No the Mona Lisa is a art work A da Vinci code is a book.
3rd row, 8th column
mona lisa
The Louvre
the mona Lisa
The Louvre
The Mona Lisa
mona lisa