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They are gaskets under your valve covers that keep oil from leaking out.

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Q: What are valve cover gaskets?
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Do you have to remove the head gasket and replace it also when replacing a valve cover and spark plug gaskets just curious?

no you do not..hope this helps!!!

How important to change PCV valve Nissan pickup 1994?

It is very important to change PCV valve. If valve is old it will plug or seize. This will cause oil pressure to rise and may cause leaks. Most likely the valve cover gaskets will leak if PCV valve is plugged.

How do you change the valve cover gaskets on a 1995 Mercury Villager van?

The question you ask is too involved for a proper answer. You need to go to a car parts store, and get a repair manual for your car. They cost about $16.00 Or, go to a Public Library. Oohlalajameshunt, reiterate the answer of this statement. I recently just changed a 6 cylinder 1998 Grand Prix 3.8 valve cover gasket. I started at around 8:30 and finished around 2:30 pm, it could have been earlier but performing the repair myself took some time. It involves removing the alternator, serpentine belt, spark plugs, (make sure you number the plugs) check your wires for corrosion, so that you replace them as your replacing your valve cover gaskets. removing the coil rack and brakets also involved in replacing your gaskets. Called pep boys and they wanted 387.66 for the repair. Send me a picture of your engine and I'll resend you a work work picture repair guide. send response to Thanks, James Hunt

How do you replace the valve cover gasket on a 1990 Honda Civic 1.5L FI and how much would it cost?

First remove spark plug wires from the top of the valve cover. then remove bolts or nuts around the edge of valve cover. once removed. take off cover and replace o-rings and gasket. gasket is located around edge of cover and o-rings are o shaped rubber gaskets on the cover around the holes where the wires normally go through. be sure to replace cover the same way you remove it. estimated cost would be $35 for just gasket and 0-rings it is recommended to also replace wires and spark plugs when doing this.that cost would be 60-$90 depending on make of vehicle.

What causes water to leak from the Timing Cover of a Ford KJ Laser?

1. Check out the water pump 2. check Timing cover gaskets

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F150 removal intake manifold 302 engine to replace valve cover gaskets?

you do not need to remove intake manifold to change valve cover gaskets. intake bolts to the block. valve covers bolt to the heads EDIT: Theirs some clearance issues but you can maneuver the valve cover out.

How do you fix a valve cover gasket leak on 02 grand vitara?

either tighten the valve cover bolts, or replace the gaskets.

How much to change a valve cover gasket?

Valve cover gaskets will age over time and become brittle and once that happens ... first time so you don't have to slide it around much and disturb the sealer. ... How to Change the Valve Cover Gaskets on a New Beetle · How to Change ..

What is the cost to replace valve cover gaskets on 2001 Subaru legacy?

The cost to replace valve cover gaskets on a 2001 Subaru Legacy is about $600. If the work is done at home the cost is only $100 to $200.

How do you replace valve cover gaskets on 5.4 2001 F150?

I'm going to replace the valve cover gaskets on my 5.4. The top bolts their very loose, but hesitant to come out. any thing would help me

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What to do with Oil leaks by manifold?

If you are talking about the EXHAUST manifold then most of the time it's the valve cover gasket that is leaking oil. REPLACE VALVE COVER GASKETS. If you are talking about the intake manifold then it has 2 rubber gaskets in the front and rear of it that leak oil real bad. If oil is on the left are right top sides of the intake manifold were the valve covers are then it will be the valve cover gaskets that are leaking oil.