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Proper nouns are the unique names of people, places, or things. Proper nouns are always capitalized. Examples:

Proper adjectives are adjectives that are derived from proper nouns. Proper adjectives are always capitalized. Examples:

  • There is a block of Victorian houses on this street. (houses from the era of Queen Victoria of England)
  • The chair is Italian leather. (leather produced in Italy, known for its high quality)
  • The scene before us looked like a Martian landscape. (as if a scene on the surface of Mars)
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13y ago

Capitalize a proper noun:

Golden Gate Bridge

Capitalize words derived from proper nouns:

I must take English and math.

Ps: English is capitalized because it comes from the proper noun England, but math does not come from Mathland.

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12y ago

A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing. Here are some rules to make singular nouns into plural nouns:

  1. To make most nouns plural, add an s to the end of the word. The plural of flower is flowers.
  2. Nouns ending in s, z, ch, sh, or x, add es to the end of the word to make it plural. The plural of dish is dishes.
  3. Some nouns ending with o are pluralized by adding and es to the end of the word. The plural of tomato is tomatoes.
  4. Most nouns ending with o are pluralized by adding s to the end of the word. The plural of photo is photos.
  5. When a noun ends in a y, change the y at the end of the word to an ies. The plural of berry is berries.
  6. Some nouns ending with y, preceded by a vowel, are pluralized by just adding s to the end of the word. The plural of day is days.
  7. Nouns ending with f or fe, change to f or the fe to ves to form the plural. The plural of life is lives.
  8. Nouns ending with ff are usually pluralized by just adding an s to the end of the word. The plural of cuff is cuffs.
  9. Some nouns change the vowel sound to become plural. The plural of man is men, the plural of tooth is teeth.
  10. Some Old English plurals are still in use. The plural of child is children, the plural of ox is oxen.
  11. Some nouns that end with is, the ending is changed to es to form the plural. The plural of crisis is crises.
  12. Some nouns that end with um, the um is replaced with an a. The plural for datum is data, the plural for medium is media.
  13. Some nouns that end with on, the on is replaced with an a. The plural of phenomenon is phenomena.
  14. Some nouns that end is a, change the a at the end of the word to ae. The plural of larva is larvae.
  15. Some nouns that end in ex or ix, the plural is formed by changing the x to ces. The plural of index is indeces, the plural of matrix is matrices.
  16. Some nouns that end in us, the plural is formed by changing the us to i. The plural of cactus is cacti, the plural of radius is radii.
  17. Nouns ending in eau, the plural is formed by adding x to the end of the word. The plural of bureau is bureaux.
  18. There are any number of other variations such as the plural of tempo is tempi; the plural of cherub is cherubim; the plural of person is people. But language evolves over time or we would still be speaking like Shakespeare. Even as I type these rules, some are officially amended. For example, the plural forms indeces and indexes are both being accepted as correct plurals for index and the plural forms bureaux and bureaus are both being accepted as correct plurals for bureau, as are many other irregular plurals being found in standard dictionaries with modernized plural options.
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8y ago

An abstract noun is a word for something that can't be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.

A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.

Examples of abstract nouns are:






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