Prophet Solomon (or Suleiman) and prophet Saleh
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Prophets Suleiman (or Solomon) and Saleh, peace be upon them.
In Islam, God sent literally thousands of prophets. Only twenty-five are mentioned in the Qur'an. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Jonah, Isaiah, David, Solomon, John, Jesus and Muhammad are some of them.
Islam was spread by God prophets and messengers since start of universe creation. Refer to question below.
according to Islam all prophets were Muslim and Muslim is a general world meaning who is submitted to God and obey God and Islam started from time of Adam.
Islam is the religion which has been from the very start. Many prophets came but later on their followers were lead astray. Then, the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came and preached the same religion the previous prophets had preached; but this time the followers acted on the commandments of Allah and the prophet. So that's why we now have Islam as the complete religion.
The founder of Islam is Allah (God in English). Islam is God religion since start of creation of the universe. Islam is an Arabic word that means submission to God the Creator. It is the call of all God prophets. Refer to related question below.
AnswerNo other religions make up Islam. Islam is the call of prophets since mankind start of creation. It is even goes back to start of universe creation. Islam is an Arabic word that means submission to God. Accordingly, no other religions are making up Islam. Refer to related question below. AnswerNo other religions make up Islam - Islam is a religion in its own right
All the prophets sent by Almighty God for the guidance of humans preached one and the same religion - Islam. Its basic beliefs being: ONENESS of Almighty God. Belief in Angels, Prophets, Day of Judgement, Life Hereafter etc. The last Prophet of Islam was Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (May peace be upon him). He started preaching Islam in 570 AD when he was about 40 years of age. He started preaching Islam at Makka, Saudi Arabia.
Islam Religion per Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril). However, Islam; in its sense of submission to God the one and only one God; is the religion since start of universe creation and is the mission of all God prophets although taking different religion names. Refer to question below.
It is the monotheism God religion since start of universe creation and the call of all god prophets since start of mankind. Refer to the related two questions below.
Islam means Submission and full surrender to God. In this sense, all prophets, from the start of mankind, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isac, Ismael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, and many others until the last prophet Mohamed (peace upon all of them) are Islam prophets. However, it is understood that:Judaism is the religion according to God revelation to Prophet Moses,Christianity is the religion according to God revelation to Prophet Jesus. andThe very name Islam is the religion according to God revelation to Prophet Mohamed.There are 25 prophets mentioned by name in the Qur'an, although Muslims believe that there were many more in different times and places. Among the prophets that Muslims honor are:AdamIdris (Enoch)Nuh (Noah)HudSalehIbrahim (Abraham)Isma'il (Ishmael)Ishaq (Isaac)Lut (Lot)Ya'qub (Jacob)Yousef (Joseph)Shu'aibAyyub (Job)Musa (Moses)Harun (Aaron)Dhu'l-kifl (Ezekiel)Dawud (David)Sulaiman (Solomon)Ilias (Elias)Al-Yasa (Elisha)Yunus (Jonah)Zakariyya (Zechariah)Yahya (John)Isa (Jesus)MohamedMuslims believe in all God prophets whether mentioned explicitly in Quran or not.
Assalamoalaikum Islam is not a new religion ,its started when Allah send Adam from heaven to earth. All the prophets and messenger come in the world they preach Islam and nothing. Islam start from Hazrat Adam and its last messenger is Mohammad Rasoolallah (sal-lallah-ho alayhiwasalam) so in my knowledge Islam founder is Hazrat Adam. All messenger and prophets say "There is no God but only Allah, Allah is only one Allah have no father no mother ,Allah is the only power of universe. and this was a continues message will be forwarded by last messenger and that is Islam