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The Major Characters in the Book of Genesis have to: God Adam Eve Cain Abel Noah Abram Sara Isaac Rebecca Esau Jacob Ishmael Thats just from the top of my head. Also Joseph


Rachel and I don't know who else

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Introduction of Sin

First Murder


Journey of Abraham

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

Birth of Ishmael and Issac

Birth of Esau and Jacob

Jacob's Wrestling with a heavenly being and having his name changed to Israel

Birth of the twelve sons of Israel

Betrayal of Joseph by his brothers

Famine in Egypt and surrounding areas

Joseph's ascent in Egypt.

Joseph's Deception of his brothers

Joseph and family reunited in Egypt, which sets the stage for the next book, Exodus.

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8y ago
  • Moses, who received this Book (and the rest of the Torah) from God (Exodus 24:12). He is named in many passages of Leviticus.
  • Aaron and his sons, the kohanim, are mentioned in Leviticus many times.
  • The Levites are mentioned in Leviticus ch.25.
  • The Israelites.

That's all. The rest is laws, not people.

Brief mention is also made of a couple of Aaron's cousins (Leviticus ch.10).

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Q: What are the major events in the book of genesis?
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