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Materialism and Idealism are assumptions about reality in the Metaphysical branch of Philosophy. Materialism explains our world as being just material (hence materialism) so they don't believe in consciousness or the existence of the supernatural. On the other hand Idealism is the idea that reality exists only in the mind because our senses can't really be trusted.

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Q: What are the importance of materialism and idealism of philosophy on the reality about the universe?
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Steinhardt and Turok's theory, Woods says, is fully compliant with dialectical materialism.

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What is the difference between atheistic materialism and theistic materialism?

Materialism in its strictest sense refers to a world view according to which matter is the sole reality, and all things, beings and processes can be explained and accounted for in terms of material reality and phenomenon. Theism stands for belief in a supreme Being or God who is distinct or other from material reality, and is the cause or creator of matter. Paul Tillich, American theologian, probably, would say that God is Being-itself, or that God is the power of being, and ground of being of both material and non-material reality. Spinoza identified universe and nature with God. Hindu philosophy of advaita monism looks at material reality as an illusion. Theistic materialism would claim that matter is real, not an illusion, but it has been created by a superior reality of the Spirit. Matter can be controlled to manifest and incarnate the beauty of God. The terms 'atheistic materialism' and 'theistic materialism' have been used in philosophy. See, e.g., Robert C. Koons writes, "Philosophically, theistic materialism is a more coherent position than atheistic materialism, for the theist has an explanation for the three central facts that atheistic materialists must accept as brute facts." Koons, Robert C. Science and Theism: Concord not Conflict., p.19. (Accessed on 21 September, 2007.) Another interseting book that has been recently published and which speaks on this topic is: Theistic Dialectical Materialism by James Singh, published at Atheistic materialists would deny the existence of God. Theistic materialism believes in God's existence, and claims that matter is subordinate to God,s purposes. The present writer encourages you to look for the terms 'Christian materialism' and 'theistic evolution' in Wikipedia. By J Chrysostom

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Cosmology is a type of Philosophy that deals with the origins and generalstructure of the universe. They look at elements laws and often the development of the universe as well.

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