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the heart will implode No it wont. the realy long term effects on your heart are as follows * cardiac hypertrophy (growth in the myocardium muscle that the heart is made from) * increased stroke volume (more blood pumped per beat) * lower resting blood preasure * increased cardiac output (blood pumped per min) * lower heart ratewhile resting and active * quicker recovery rate (heart returns to normal speed after exercise faster) * incrase in blood flow It also dramatically lowers the chance of getting coronary heart disease. Once your heart rate drops bellow 60bpm it is said to be more efficient, this state is called brandycardia.

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The heart rate increases during exercise.

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the effects are increasing heart rates

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Q: What are the immediate effects of exercise on heart rate of human?
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An Average of 0.209 volts (No Exercise)

Name some examples of short term effects of exercise on the human body?

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The human heart can typically survive without oxygen for about 20 minutes. After this time, irreversible damage can occur leading to cardiac arrest and possible death. Immediate medical intervention is crucial in such situations.

What are the effects of exercise on human body IN BRIEF?

Creates a stronger,faster, and more enjoyable body. Also makes you happier from hormones released in the brain.

What happens to the human heart when it exercises?

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Physiology of exercise?

The effects of exercise are at many levels since the increased activity requires a parallel increase in the rate of metabolism and produces waste products that must be disposed. In addition the increased activity produces heat that is dissipated at a cost in lost of fluid (blood volume decreases) and salt loss. Finally, there The effects of exercise are at many levels since the increased activity requires a parallel increase in the rate of metabolism and produces waste products that must be disposed. In addition the increased activity produces heat that is dissipated at a cost in lost of fluid (blood volume decreases) and salt loss. Finally, there are neurotransmitters released with exercise: natural endorphins. The effects of exercise are at many levels since the increased activity requires a parallel increase in the rate of metabolism and produces waste products that must be disposed. In addition the increased activity produces heat that is dissipated at a cost in lost of fluid (blood volume decreases) and salt loss. Finally, there The effects of exercise are at many levels since the increased activity requires a parallel increase in the rate of metabolism and produces waste products that must be disposed. In addition the increased activity produces heat that is dissipated at a cost in lost of fluid (blood volume decreases) and salt loss. Finally, there are neurotransmitters released with exercise: natural endorphins.

How is a cats heart the same as a human heart?

yes because it is a human heart

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it effects humans health by the wetness or the way it forms and all the presipation can increase a humans heart beat!