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Intuitive which focuses on results and relies on past experience to guide actions.

Innovative Concentrates on problem solving. It is systematic and relies on data.

Imaginative Able to visualize opportunities think "out of the box."

Inspirational Focuses on social change and the giving of self

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Q: What are the four styles of creative intelligence?
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What is one type of intelligence?

1.)Naturalist intelligence ("NATURE SMART") 2.)Musical intelligence("MUSICAL SMART") 3.)Logical-Mathematical intelligences("NUMBER\REASONING SMART") 4.)Existential intelligence 5.)Interpersonal intelligence(PEOPLE SMART) 6.)Bodily-kinesthic intelligence(BODY SMART) 7.)Linguistic intelligence(WORLD SMART) 8.)intrapersonal intelligence(SELF SMART) 9.)Spatial intelligence (PICTURE SMART) BY:leoreelai manalili catayong........... tnx.. :)

What is a creative design?

fancy and creative designs nail arts

What is foreign intelligence services?

Depending on the context, a foreign intelligence service is either an intelligence service that specialises in foreign intelligence (as opposed to security intelligence), or an intelligence service that belongs to a foreign country. The latter shouldn't require any more explaining, however I'll go into more detail about the former: Foreign Intelligence is intelligence that relates to foreign entities, whereas security intelligence pertains to domestic security issues. However, this should not be taken to mean foreign intelligence = overseas, security intelligence = domestic. Both kinds of services generally do both overseas and domestic operations, although usually for different purposes. This inevitably leads to a small degree of crossover (such as Counterterrorism or Counterintelligence), which often results in rivalry between agencies (MI5 vs MI6, for example).Some notable Foreign Intelligence services:*Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, better known as MI6 - Military Intelligence, Section 6) | Britain*Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) | Australia*Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) | USA*Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) | Canada*Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) | RussiaSome notable Security Intelligence services:*Her Majesty's Security Service (Better know as MI5 - Military Intelligence, Section 5) | Britain*Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) | Australia*Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS, deals in both security and foreign intelligence) | Canada*Federal Bureau of Investigation National Security Division (FBI NSD) | USA*Federal Security Service (FSB) | Russia

What was the first product to be introduced with artificial intelligence?

In the 1940s, a programmable computer was produced that was said to have artificial intelligence. It did not have intelligence in the common sense of the word, though. There has yet to be a device created that has intelligence matching to that of a human being.

Why Is Pablo Picasso So Creative?

He is creative because he is an artist and got lessons from his father.

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Describe the four styles of creative intelligence?

Intuitive - focuses on results and relies on past experience to guide actionsInnovative - concentrates on problem-solving, is systematic, and relies on dataImaginative - is able to visualize opportunities, is artistic, enjoys writing, and thinks "out of the box"Inspirational - focuses on social change and the giving of self toward that end[Rowe, Alan J. (2004) Creative Intelligence: Discovering the Innovative Potential in Ourselves and Others. Pearson Education, Prentice Hall.]

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How Practical and Creative Intelligence Determine Success in Life

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George Shouksmith has written: 'Assessment through interviewing' -- subject(s): Interviewing 'Intelligence, creativity and cognitive style' -- subject(s): Cognition, Cognitive styles, Creative ability, Intellect

What is creative intelligence and how does an organization sustain it?

Creative intelligence is part of innovation, and companies need it to keep moving forward. A company can sustain it by hiring new and fresh people to keep ideas new.

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The brain symbolizes intelligence, creative thinking, and knowledge. It is often associated with mental abilities, problem-solving, and intelligence.

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they come indifferent styles and creative colors {;

What is an intelligence degree?

The masters degree in intelligence management program emphasizes the most important advanced intelligence skills by requiring intelligence management courses, intelligence strategy study, and intelligence analysis writing styles. The master's in intelligence degree program provides for high-level development of proficiency in intelligence techniques, counterintelligence, collection management, and intelligence briefings.

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Adele's styles relay on your opinion. I think she is creative. I would think to myself and think what do you think her styles are.

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What modern intelligence theorist likes to point out that people have analytics practical and creative forms of intelligence but that IQ tests only measure the first type?

Robert Sternberg.

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