none because blue is a prime color and prime colors can make colors but prime colors cant be made
black white green
what are the common colors to coordinate? what are the common colors to coordinate?
that they are wonderful colors and the most brightest colors!!!!
Light colors reflect and dark colors absorb.
none because blue is a prime color and prime colors can make colors but prime colors cant be made
yes five is defiantly prime
The primary colors are red, yellow and blue - all others are not "primary" colors.Black and white are not colours. Black is a shade and white is a tint. Colors/Colours like purple, green, and orange would not be prime as they are a mix of other colors/colours.
prime number
It is a prime.
there are no combinations to create them that do not involve the prime numbers and/or primary colors themselves
No. The only prime number ending in five is five. All the others are divisible by five.
It is a prime.
Burgundy is not a prime color. The prime colors are red, blue and yellow.
red, yellow, and blue are the three prime colors . sooo, brown, white, black, green, orange, purple, and pink would not be prime colors.
5 is a Prime Number.