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Q: What are the example of travel and entertainment card?
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What is a Travel and entertainment card?

A travel and entertainment card is usually a credit card that is used for this purpose. Sometimes it is a card that give you a travel or entertainment award.

What is a Travel and Entertainment Credit Card?

A credit card that can be used to cover traveling expenses and for your enjoyment/entertainment. An example of a T&E card is "Diners Club." It can only be used at certain restraunts which would constitute "entertainment."

When must a balance be paid on a travel and entertainment card?

within 30 days

What specifically would be an example of a smart card?

A travel cardorVISA cardorMastrocard

What is an ISIC card and where can one get them?

An ISIC card is a card that verifies that somebody is a student. Some benefits of the card include cheaper or free travel, entertainment, education, and many other options. One can get one at their local ISIC card issuing outlet.

What credit card starts with 6?

The first digit in your credit-card number signifies the system:3 - travel/entertainment cards (such as American Express and Diners Club)4 - Visa5 - MasterCard6 - Discover Card

What travel documents are required for domestic travel?

Usually, when you travel locally, you need your valid identification card. An example would be your drivers license. You might also need your passport if you travel by air.

What are the benefits of the STL Entertainment Card?

A STL Entertainment Card is a savings card for the St. Louis Metro area. This membership card is good for a year and provides discounts for various merchants throughout the area.

What are the example of entertainment folk song?

salidumay is one example of entertainment folk song

What can you do with a Citi Corporate Card?

The Citibank Corporate Card is a card designed for businesses in order to provide their employees with cards that can be used to pay for entertainment and travel expenses. It helps provide a great way for the company to track their employees spending to make sure they are following the rules.

States that the applicant understands the provisions of the travel card program and proper use of the travel card?

States that the applicant understands the provisions of the travel card program and proper use of the travel card

What credit card starts with number 9?

The first digit tells you what industry the card belongs too, 4,5,6 are banking & financial (Visa, Mastercard, Discover in that order) Amex is considered to be travel & Entertainment.... 9 would be national assignment.