Earthworms and Blackworms both live in water and soil. also they breath through their skin.
earthworms travel faster
The bacteria in earthworms is called Eisenia Fetida it's in most earthworms
earthworms penises are longer
Potting mix does not kill earthworms.
Earthworms are examples of annelid worms (Phylum Annelida), which also contains leeches and many typres of marine worms. Earthworms are from the Class Oligochaeta, which contanins the earthworms, some freshwater worms and leeches.
Bloodworms are worms. They contain many cells.
Earthworms have bristles to move around while grasshoppers have legs. They are both insects. Grasshoppers also have wings they can use to get around.
of course, all saltwater & freshwater fish can eat frozen bloodworms.
no they can not
First, earthworms are actually a colony of microscopic organisms that group up and form what we call "earthworms". While humans are mammals, "Earthworms" are not. "Earthworms" don't like the rain and will drown so they come up onto sidewalks and scare pussies as they crawl past these pussies. Humans are wimps, these earthworms, if split in half will become 2 earthworms! However, this operation doesn't always work so please do NOT attempt this and if so only under adult supervision as when they're split in half, they become quite outraged (who wouldn't be?) and will enlarge becoming monsters that can compare to Godzilla. This is why humans have learned to fear earthworms and we still live in terror except we like to act that they're harmless.
Live foods such as Brine shrimp, Daphnia, Cyclops, White worms. Even finely chopped earthworms are great food for them. At least some of these foods are available at the better pet shops.
Yes they do. Striped Bass and other Saltwater species love Bloodworms. Some people say that Nightcrawlers or even earthworms are something that Saltwater fish eat. I have never tried that though. I know those worms work great for Freshwater fish. A lot of Saltwater species like Blood and Sandworms a lot.
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No. They feed on algae.