Interactive computer Graphics consist of three components namely digital buffer, TV monitor and display controller. Using these components, we are able to see the output on the screen in form of pixels (picture elements). Following is the explanation of these components:-
1. Digital Memory Buffer:-This is a place where images and pictures are stored as an array (matrix of 0 & 1, 0 represents darkness and 1 represents image or picture). This is also called frame buffer. In today's term frame buffer is called V-RAM (video RAM) and it helps to store the image in bit form. It helps to increase the speed of graphics (sometimes we watch movies on our computer system and movie run slowly. System engineer is then called for. He comes and fits in V-RAM (in Mega bytes) into our system and movie runs perfectly.
2. TV Monitor: - Monitor helps us to view the display and they make use of CRT technology (Cathode ray Tube).
3. Display Controller:- It is an interface between Memory Buffer and TV Monitor. Its job is to pass the contents of frame buffer to the monitor. This passing has to be fast for steady display on the monitor (depending upon the material of the system). The image must be passed repeatedly to the monitor to maintain a steady picture on the screen. The display controller reads each successive byte of data from FB Memory and converts 0's and 1's into corresponding video signals. This signal is then feed to the TV monitor to produce a black and white picture on screen. In today's term, display controller is recognized as a display card and one of our choices can be VGA card with a resolution of 640x480.(Display Controller is also capable of displaying image in colors).
Several graphics systems are designed in this way:-
whait is point in computer graphics
passive and interactive computer graphics example
A computer graphics specialist uses planning and storyboards to create projects. They use computer graphics to make animations, tables, charts, and other designs depending on the company they work for.
to improve the video and graphics capabilities of your computer
full form of bgi is borland graphics interface
you need a alienware computer, with extreme graphics to draw it.
All games have options inside the game to change the graphics up or down. If you reduce the graphics in-game all the way down and the game is still unplayable then you probably need to clean up your computer and upgrade its components.
Generally, no. The computer's speed is usually limited by other components (such as the processor, RAM, Graphics Card, etc.)
It involves the upgrading of hardware. It involves a better motherboard, CPU, GPU, graphics card, and many unnecessary components that make the computer faster.
whait is point in computer graphics
computer graphics are used in games. films are also produced by computer graphics.
Its just an another name of non - interactive graphics. Actually interactive and non - interactive graphics are a classification of computer graphics on the basis of interaction of the computer graphics system towards users.
passive and interactive computer graphics example
Interior Components: Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Card*, Modem*, Power Adaptor,Hard Drive(s) Exterior Components: Mouse, keyboard, monitor, plug-in ports(usb etc.), speakers* *=optional
Computer Graphics Metafile was created in 1986.
graphics means chithram in Malayalam in genaral...but if you mention computer is said as computer graphics itself.
Computer graphics is basically pictures, art, or designs made or put on a computer.