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principle of democracy that is " for the people, with the people" - means in any governance/organisastion, decision making for people's welfare & acc. to need of people's & with people's suggestions/participation (role of citizens).

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9y ago

In general terms, the main features of a democracy are two in number. First, political offices are limited in power, scope, and term-length, so as to ensure diversity in government and prevent tyranny. Second, ordinary people have a say in the what, who, why, and when (etc.) of governance in their society. Indeed, a democracy is fundamentally characterized as government 'of the people, by the people, for the people.'

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9y ago

-Form of government controlled by the people

-The Needs of the people are primary.

-People have rights.

-People are free.

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11y ago

If you mean principles... Theres five

1) rule of law

2) limited government

3) consent of the government

4) individual rights

5) representative government

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Q: What are the basic elements of the traditional theory of democracy?
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