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10 risks of using a sewing machine are:

  1. Sewing over your finger - To avoid this from happening, watch where you are placing your fingers at all times and wear a thimble.
  2. The fabric can separate, and you will find you have only sewed one layer, instead of two
  3. You can thread it incorrectly, or the thread can get snagged and break the needle
  4. The cord can get frayed and cause an electrical short or even fire.
  5. The machine could fall off the table and hurt you.
  6. You could accidentally get your own clothing mixed in with the material you are sewing and sew yourself to the machine.
  7. The pins you use to hold the material together can get stuck in the machine and ruin it.
  8. The pins you use can come out and stick in you.
  9. You might use the wrong size of needle and it will tear your material.
  10. You could run the machine too fast and not get a straight seam.
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