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9y ago

Here are some 4 letter words that start with T and end with W:

  • thaw
  • trow
  • thew
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Q: What are some words that start with T and end with W and only have 4 letters?
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Does every world in a line of poetry have to begin with the same letter to be considered alliteration or can some words start with other letters?

There can be words beginning with different letters without ruining the alliteration, but the more words that do start with the same letter, the stronger the alliteration.

What are some Words that start with gn?

Gnarl, gnash and gnat are words. They begin with the letters gn.

It has 11 letters and it begins with s?

Some eleven letter words that start with S are:sacramentalsacrificialsafe-crackersalespersonscholarshipschoolhousescorekeeperscoutmasterscrawninessscrewdriversearchlightsedimentarysegregationselectivityselfishnesssensationalserendipityserviceableseventeenthshallownessshareholdersheepherdershenanigansshinsplintsshipwreckedshirtsleeveshopliftingshortchangeshowmanshipshuttlecocksightseeingsilversmithsingularityskulduggerysleepwalkerslendernesssmithereenssmokescreensmorgasbordsnowboardersocializingsoftheartedsoundlesslysovereigntyspecializedspectacularspeculationspeedometerspendthriftspiritualitysplendorousspreadsheetspringboardstandardizesteamrollersteelworkerstenographystepbrotherstethoscopestimulationstockbrokerstomachachestreetlightsubjunctivesubordinatesubservientsubsistencesubstandardsubstantialsubtractionsuburbanitesufficiencysuffocationsuperchargesuperfluoussuperimposesuperioritysuperlativesupermarketsupervisionsuppositionsuppressantsurvivalistsusceptiblesweepstakessymmetricalsynchronizesyndication

What words that describe a dog that start with the letter X?

Some words that describe a dog starting with the letters U, V, or Z are:uglyunrivaledunrulyunusualupbeatvaliantverbally quietviciousvictoriousvirilevoraciouszanyzealouszippy

What are some compound words that have 4 or more letters?

Some compound words with more than four letters:afterthoughtbeachcombercheapskatedressmakerearthquakefeatherweightgrandmotherhearthstoneinpatientjawbreakerkindheartedlighthousematchmakerneedlepointofficeholderplainclothesquartermasterrattlesnakesuperstructuretablespoonundercurrentvolleyballwatermelon

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Six letter words that start with the letters wh:whackowhackswhackywhaleswhammywharfswheelswheezewheezywhencewhinedwhinerwhippywhirlswhiskywhiterwholly

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The word his is the only 3 letter word that can be spelled with the letters h-i-s.

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Some words with two syllables that start with D are:dentistdonkeydaggerdevildimpledragondaughterdaddydampendrippingdoughnutdungeondeadbeatdreadfuldamagedoubtfuldangledecentdapperdeltadoweldappledriverdelugedaisy

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There are no four letter words that start with the letters "qi"