To list a few:
Believable. Beneficial. Best. Blithe. Bold. Bombastic. Boundless. Brave. Brazen. Bright. Brilliant. Brisk. Broad-minded.
· talented
descriptive words are also known as vivid words.
Adorable, affectionate, attractive and awesome are good words to describe the person. They begin with the letter a.
Property, Gold. That's two, but they are single words, and they are proven good investments.
Funny, Playful, enjoyed
Ugly is a good way to describe an alligator. It begins with the letter U.
A good person is magnificent. It begins with M.
· talented
Eye full
Killing machine king cobra kool killers
Click the link to learn how to describe people. Only you know what you love about your significant other!
Some phrases to describe a good personality include, makes friends easily, a real people-person, and always friendly. Other words include words such as outgoing, friendly, and vivacious.
A pair of good ones are intelligent and inquisitive. If you really are. Certainly there are others, like interesting.
Good personality.