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Q: What are some words that describe a cake that begin with the letter K?
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Kladdkaka (a chocolate cake from Sweden)

What deserts begin with the letter p?

pineapple cake, or pineapple turnovers

Name a dessert that starts with the letter w?

Wedding cake and White Chocolate Mouse TCBY Ice Cream Cake are desserts. They begin with the letter w.

What are two rhyming words that will describe a dessert made out of plastic?

fake cake

Is there a food or drink starting with the letter you?

Upside-down cake and urgelia cheeses are food. They begin with the letter u.

Nameof acake that begin with the letter g?

You could have a ginger cake, golden pound cake or génoise (its Italian). the French word for cake is gâteau if that can be of any help!

Desserts beginning with w?

Wedding Cake and White Chocolate Mouse TCBY Ice Cream Cake are desserts. They begin with the letter w.

Desserts that begin with the letter c?

Cheesecake Custard Candy Chocolate Cream puffs Cookies Cakes Caramel Cherries Jubillee Creme brulee Cobbler Cherry Crisp

What are some grocery items that begin with the letter U?

un-cooked bread

What are three words that start with the letter c but sound as though they start wi th the letter k?

Some words that begin with the letter c but sound as though they start with the letter k are candy, cane, candle, catcher, cat, car, can, can't, caterpillar, cactus, corn, cob, cake, and concern. Just to name a few.