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Q: What are some useful applications for the colored flame produced when alkali and alkaline earth elements are heated?
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What is the elements of mercury elements?

Mercury is a silver colored liquid.

What are alkaline earth metals?

They are a series of elements, or metals, on the Periodic Table of Elements. The alkaline earth metals are: beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium (i.e, the ones with two electrons in their outer shell and common oxidation state +2, right next to the alkali metals with common oxidation state +1). They're all silvery-colored and soft, and they combine with water to form alkaline hydroxides, but not as readily as the alkali metals do.

Are black and white a color?

Yes. White is produced by the reflection of all colored light, and black is produced by the absorption of all colored light.

What is the milky colored secreted from the prostate gland?

It is an Alkaline fluid that is released in the semen to resist the acidity of the vagina

What group of elements are generally from colored compounds?

The transition metals tend to form colored compounds.

From what part of the periodic table do the elements forming colored ions come from?

The transistion block of elements.

What are the elements called in the first group of the periodic table that have one outer shell electron and is extremely reactive?

The elements in the first group of the period table which have one electron in their outer shells and react extremely well are also known as the alkali metals. These elements are Hydrogen, Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium.

Which elements of music were represented by colored lines?

volume was represented by colored bars on older stereos and herts on professional equipment

Which element from the periodic table is orange?

There are 6 orange colored tabs on the periodic table of elements, the Alkaline Earth Metals, which are Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, and Radium. But of course, not all periodic tables have the same color scheme so this may be incorrect.

What elements usually form brightly colored compounds?

Transition Metals

What do the blue colored elements on the periodic table indicate?

It means they're electronegative.

How are the moon's dark-colored areas different from its light-colored areas?

The dark colored areas are actually shadows produced by the sun hitting the moons mountains, casting shadows on the land around them and light colors are not