Some sayings that begin with the letter K:
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Some things (nouns) that start with the letter I are:ibisiceicebergice creamicicleicingiconidideaidiomidiotignoranceillusionimaginationimpulseinchincisorindependenceingotinquiryinspirationinventioninvitationionireiridesenceirisiritationironivory
Tangible objects that start with the letter j:jacketjeansjerseyjewelryjackknifejavelinjawbonejellybeanjug
mirrormassage toolsMagnavox
janitor Junior Doctor
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Some things in Japan that begin with the letter A are: ARASHI - a Japanese idol group.
Some things you can be that begin with K:Kindergarten TeacherKindKilledKitchen helper
"you" is not a letter.
Some things that begin with the letter O:outhouseoctopusoptometristopalOscarorangeoak treesoliveoctagonovalovariesorangutanopportunitesoccupied territory
Some things that fly that begin with the letter U are:United Airlines airplaneUlysses butterflyUmbrella bird
Asian delicacies
Some things that start with the letters AT are:atomattonementattractionatmosphereatticattitudeattackattorneyatollatriumatlas
Some bedroom things that begin with S:sheetsshirtshelfshoessocks
Green things that begin with C:CucumberCarrot greensCrocodileCottonwood tree