Oh, dude, there's only one state that starts with a Y, and that's good ol' Wyoming. So, if you were hoping for a long list of exciting Y states, I hate to burst your bubble. But hey, at least Wyoming has Yellowstone National Park, so that's something, right?
Nazareth College is located in New York State near Rochester.
Some games that begin with S:ScattergoriesSoftballSoccerSlots
Some candies that begin with the letter G are:GobstopperGoobersGumGummy ringsGummy bearsGummy worms
Here are some flowers that begin with the letter G:GaillardiaGardeniaGazaniaGentianGeraldton WaxGeraniumGerberaGerbera DaisyGermander SpeedwellGermaniumGilly FlowerGladiolaGladiolusGlobeflowerGloxiniaGodetiaGoldenrodGrevilleaGumamelaGuzmaniaGypsophilaGypsophilla
U.S. state capitals that start with the letter O:Oklahoma City, OklahomaOlympia, Washington
Jackson, Mississippi
Jackson, Mississippi
· Frankfort, Kentucky
No US state has a state capital that begins with the letter G. However, Geneseo is the capital of Livingston County in New York State.
There is only one state that begins with the letter 'R' - Rhode Island.
Denver , Colorado - Dover , Delaware - Des Moines , Iowa .
Ulan Bator is a capital city that begins with U. It is the capital city in Mongolia.
Tallinn is the capital city in Estonia. Tirana is the capital city in Albania. Tbilisi is the capital city in Georgia.
Kennewick is a city in Washington State.
Florida is know for alligators.