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Some nouns that begin with the letter Z are:

  • Zeal
  • Zebra
  • Zebu
  • Zen
  • Zenith
  • Zephyr
  • zeppelin: a rigid cylindrical airship consisting of a covered frame and a suspended compartment for engines and passengers.
  • Zero
  • Zest
  • zigzag: a line going at an angle first one way, then sharply the opposite way, then back the first way, and so on, like the outline of a saw's teeth.
  • Zinc
  • Zing
  • Zionism
  • Zip
  • zipper: a fastener for clothes, bags, or garments consisting of two rows of interlocking metal or plastic teeth with an attached sliding tab pulled to open or close the fastener.
  • Zircon
  • Zirconium
  • Zit
  • Zither: a musical instrument consisting of a flat shallow soundbox with metal strings stretched across it that are plucked.
  • zodiac: a chart linking twelve constellations to twelve divisions of the year, used as the astrologer's main tool for analyzing character and predicting the future.
  • Zombie
  • Zone
  • Zoo
  • zoology
  • zucchini: a small summer squash that is shaped like a cucumber with a smooth thin dark-green or yellow skin and is eaten cooked as a vegetable.
  • Zulu
  • Zygote





· zebra

· zephyr

· zero

· zinc

· zinger

· zipper

· zoo

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9y ago
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9y ago






zebra, zipper, zinc, zoo, zigzag

zip, zebra, zanthie, Zanzibar

· zebra

· zephyr

· zero

· zinc

· zipper

· zoo

Zion, zoo, zero...


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10y ago

Examples of real things that begin with the letter Z are:

  • zebras
  • zeros
  • zippers
  • zinnias
  • zircons
  • zithers
  • zoos
  • zoologists
  • zucchinis
  • Zuiderdam (the Holland America cruise ship)
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15y ago


A noun is simply a person, place or thing, right? (Right)


Person: Zoe

Place: Zoo.

Thing: Zebra.

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11y ago

Some abstract nouns are:





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What are some nouns that starts with letter z?

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Some examples of animals that begin with the letter 'z' are zebra, zebu, and zander.

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