key word
Quotation maybe? Quotation maybe?
Language arts is not capitalized. School subjects are only capitalized when they are derived from proper nouns (Spanish) or if they are course titles (Algebra III). Subjects like math, science and language arts are not capitalized.
Well, in language arts you are taught to write letters, with a body, heading, closing and so on. Musicians sometimes use this to help them write songs, you need a beginning, a middle, a bridge, and a closing. Sort of like a letter to someone. : ]
Narration and narrator are language arts words. They begin with the letter n.
pacingparadoxparodypassive voicepersonificationpersuasionphonicsphraseplagiarismplotpoetrypoint of viewpremiseproseproverbprotagonistpunpurpose
Literacy, leading question and limerick are language arts terms. They begin with the letter l.
key word
Onomatopoeia is a language arts term. It is the use of words such as meow or buzz. The sound of the word suggests its meaning.
You're re-release-did!
Resolution, redundancy and rising action are language arts words. Additional language arts words include rhythm and refrain.
Quotation maybe? Quotation maybe?