Some gifts that start with Z are:zinniaszoo passeszircon jewelryZurich trip
snake, a letter s on top of the door ao on the bed maybe on the door
Yankee candles, Yoga video and a yo-yo are gifts. They begin with the letter y.
it is apple
Little Cesear's Pizza
Some possible gifts starting with the letter "Z" could be a zebra-print blanket, a zen garden kit, or a zodiac-themed necklace.
· dishes
Some verbs starting with the letter a:ableabandonabductaccountaccuseaceactaddaddressadmireadoreafflictageaggravateaimalertanimateapproachapprovearearriveaskassistassociateassortattachattendavengeavoidawakenax
· answering machine
If this is a crossword, does "presents" fit?
golf clubs gifts (especially at holiday time) gowns games
Some household items starting with the letter R are:refrigeratorrange
trahan wine