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heres 1 jk rowling writes books William shakespear wrote plays

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Q: What are some differences between jk Rowling and William Shakespeare?
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When was William Shakespeare writing his plays?

Shakespeare wrote approximately between 1590 and 1613.

What were the names of the plays that William Shakespeare wrote in 1801?

Shakespeare wrote his plays between 1590 and 1613.

Major conflict in twelfth night but William Shakespeare?

The major conflict in the Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare is a love triangle between Orsino, Olivia, and Viola.

What is William Shakespeare's parent's names Mary Shakespeare and John Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare's parents were John and Mary. His mother Mary was Mary Arden before she married his father. They were married sometime between 1556 and 1558. They died in 1601 and 1608.

What are differences between William shakespeare and arthur miller?

Shakespeare's scripts consist of the lines and a few stage directions. Miller wrote long and detailed instructions on how the set was to look, what the costumes were like and so on. Miller wanted to be the director as well as the playwright--Shakespeare left those details to the people actually producing the play.

What are the years of William Shakespeare's life?

Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. The 52 years between were the years of his life.

What is a difference between William Shakespeare and Michael Jackson?

Someone please help me

Was there a relationship between Julius Caesar and William Shakespeare?

Julius Caesar and William Shakespeare could not have had any form of relationship due to the fact Julius Caesar lived from 100-46 B.C.E. and William Shakespeare lived from from April 1564- April 1616 C.E. There is a tragedy by Shakespeare about Julius Caesar and the conspiracy against him.

Who invented the three differences between Italian and English sonnet?

The differences between Italian and English sonnets were likely first established by Italy's Petrarch, who popularized the Petrarchan or Italian sonnet form, characterized by an octave followed by a sestet. The English or Shakespearean sonnet was later introduced by William Shakespeare, featuring three quatrains followed by a couplet.

Is romeo and Juliet a fairytale?

No its a tragedy written by William Shakespeare between 1591-1595

What are some of the differences between the fifth act of The Merchant of Verona in Shakespeare's text and it the movie?

You're so weird.