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on newer cars most of the engine. the transmission. brake parts

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Q: What are some aluminum items?
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Items that begin with a?

Some items that start with 'a' are:apple, apple pie, apple tartaglet (the doodad that keeps your shoelace from fraying at the end)aluminum foilabacusaccentaddendumalmsalmondaxeadz

What are some common items with aluminum?

Drinking cans are the most common, followed by aluminum foil. Google would probably be a better one for this question though if you want more than that.

Does aluminum have a smell or taste?

No. This makes it uniquely suited for containerizing food items, which is why grocery stores sell aluminum foil.

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Items of Tin or Aluminum.

What is least biodegradable aluminum or tin?

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What is the fracture for aluminum the mineral?

consists of a minimum of 30% aluminum recovery items such as auto transmission, whole auto engines, etc.

What is a Ford Mustang premium?

Premium has brushed aluminum accents in the dash and other convince items like aluminum door sill plates.

What are some objects that have aluminum in them?

well, i know that aluminum foil has aluminum in it.

What is made items are made out of aluminum?

aero planes space rockets frames cans

What is made of aluminum glass or ceramic and is coated with an alloy that allows items to be recorded?


What are some common items using different types of metals?

copper in wires, gold and/or silver in rings and other jewelry, iron in the frame of a car, Aluminum in a soda pop can.

What are some characteristics of aluminum?

Aluminum is light, strong, and malleable.