To list a few:
latent heat of fusion. latent heat of vaporization. latitude. lava. light. loess. longitude. lunar eclipse. landslides. lacquer. lake. lanolin. law. laxative. lipid. liquefy. liter. litmus. lubricant. lye.
Words starting with A ending with L:actualadditionaladversarialagriculturalancestralaccidentalanimalannualanvilappallappraisalapprovalarchaeologicalarchitecturalarchivalarchivalartificialarrivalasocialassailastrologicalastronomicalasymmetricalatonalatypicalaudiologicalaudiovisualavailawful
A science letter that starts with A is ASTRONOMY!!
Larache is a town in Morocco.
liberation loss launch
Some words that start with L and end with L are:labellabiallapellarvallaterallaurellawfullegallentillethallevellibelliberallineallintelliterallittorallocallogicallogisticallollloyallulllyrical
Velocity and volume are science words.
· latent heat · lead · lens · leptons · lichen · light · liquid nitrogen · lithium · litmus
Some words related to space science that start with A:Apollo Missionsastronautsastronomyasteroidsatmosphereadventureamazing photosArmstrong, Neil
Words that start with the letter "L"laceladderladyLaneLanguageLaserLaterLaughlazyLeastleatherLemonletLetterleverLickLidlielifelightLikeLimbLimelimpLinkLintlipLiquidlistListenlitlittleloanLogloiterlookloomloonloonlooselotlotteryLoveLoveLowlumplunchlurchLusterluxurylye
Words starting with A ending with L:actualadditionaladversarialagriculturalancestralaccidentalanimalannualanvilappallappraisalapprovalarchaeologicalarchitecturalarchivalarchivalartificialarrivalasocialassailastrologicalastronomicalasymmetricalatonalatypicalaudiologicalaudiovisualavailawful
In the area of human anatomy, there's the lymbic system, ligaments, liver and larynx.
You may as well ask what are English words that start with L. Latin has an entire dictionary section filled with words from labes to ludus which start with l. the name of the Roman language, Latin, also starts with an l.
A science letter that starts with A is ASTRONOMY!!
Science Solar System Sun