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There is the Bunston Burner witch burns things if you need to make a mixture like acid and zinc and with a bunston burner you can see the gas it makes the microscope zooms in 5x 10x 15x 20x

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Q: What are science apparatuses and uses?
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Taking Care of the Laboratory Apparatuses?

always wash d apparatuses after you used it

Why many Golgi apparatuses are found in the stomach?

there are alot of Golgi apparatuses in stomach cells because the protein in the apparatuses help to digest and gives you the protein in them :P

What uses of science?

everything that is alive uses science in one way or another.

What are the relation between chemistry and laboratory apparatuses?

A chemical laboratory cannot exist now without apparatuses.

Why is it important to know the uses of different laboratory apparatuses?

because its obusly, it is important to know the uses because whenever we need to use the apparatus we know the uses and if we don't, it will have a big mistake like if we have a activity to do we will have a big big big big mistake and that is dangerous to us.................

What is a nonscience career and describe how it uses science?

Electricians. Electricians uses (life/earth and space/physical) science.

What jobs include social science?

Astronomy uses science .

Science and technology and their uses?

science is an open ended subject and technology is an application of science.

Pls. enumerate the uses of laboratory apparatuses?

SA INHS , sa section ng III-Hydrogen. may isang pinaka pogi dun. Julius avila pangalan nya.

What maths are used in science?

Science primarily uses algebra and calculus.

Give you science words that give you their meanings?

give the uses of science

What is the meaning of Laboratory apparatuses?

The devices used in the laboratory during the experiments held and during the chemical combination of different elements are known as "laboratory apparatuses"