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Impaired Gas Exchanged related to perfusion problem

Decreased cardiac output related ventricular inefficiency

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Q: What are nursing diagnosis for Cor Pulmonale?
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Related questions

How is cor pulmonale tested?

Tests used to support a diagnosis of cor pulmonale may include arterial blood gas analysis, pulmonary function tests, x-rays, MRIs, and hematocrit

Is cor pulmonale related to COPD?

85% of patients diagnosed with cor pulmonale have COPD

Nursing intervention for impaired gas exchange related to excess fluid in the lung and increased pulmonary vascular resistance?

cor pulmonale

How is Cor pulmonale prevented?

Cor pulmonale is best prevented by prevention of COPD and other irreversible diseases that lead to heart failure

Can a blood clot cause cor pulmonale?

A large pulmonary thromboembolism (blood clot) may lead to acute cor pulmonale

What is the point of treating cor pulmonale?

Treatment of cor pulmonale is aimed at increasing a patient's exercise tolerance and improving oxygen levels of the arterial blood

What is the prognosis of Cor pulmonale?

The prognosis of Cor pulmonale can vary depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. If the underlying respiratory condition is well managed, the prognosis can be good. However, if left untreated, Cor pulmonale can lead to complications such as right-sided heart failure and worsening of respiratory symptoms.

Heart disease due to lung disease?

Cor Pulmonale

What is pulmonary heart disease also called?

Cor pulmonale

What are symptoms of Cor pulmonale?

They include chronic coughing, wheezing, weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Edema (abnormal buildup of fluid), weakness, and discomfort in the upper chest may be evident in cor pulmonale

Can Cor pulmonale lead to heart failure?

This condition can lead to heart failure

Jugular vein distention is associated with?

right-sided heart failure, when the right ventricle is hypertrophied or dilated which is secondary to pulmonary hypertension (usu. d/t pulmonary embolism in acute cor pulmonale, but d/t COPD in chronic cor pulmonale)