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organs in whic gooey diarhea is produced to create sperm cells

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Q: What are male genital pores in earthworms?
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What do male genital pores do for a worm?

no they are

Where are the male and female pores when the two clitella are aligned?

Genital pores are in clitellum but not opposite to each other .

How genital papillae helps in copulation in earthworm?

The male genital pores, which are three in number situated ventrally in Pheretima are raised and inserted into the spermathecal openings of the other worm and the spermatophores are deposited.These raised genital ducts via the genital pores are called Genia Papillae.

Which two segments are the male genital pores found?

it is found in te tip of the penis and the erectile part of the anus

How can you tell a male earthworm from a female eatrhworm?

The trick to this is that earthworms are hermaphrodites. This means that the have both male and female sexual parts. Therefore, there is no difference between earthworms as to whether they are male or female.

What number segment are the female genital pores found on the earthworm?

The female genital pores in an earthworm are located on segment 14. These pores are used for receiving sperm during reproduction.

What is the function of the genital pores in an earthworm?

helps them

What is a dorsal pores?

Dorsal pores are tiny openings on the back of certain animals, such as earthworms, that allow for the exchange of gases with the environment. These pores are important for oxygen intake and carbon dioxide release in these organisms.

What unique reproductive characteristic do earthworms possess?

Earthworms are hermaphrodites: They typically have two pairs of testes, surrounded by 2 pairs of testes sacs. There are 2 or 4 pairs of seminal vesicles which produce, store and release the sperm via the male pores, and ovaries and ovipores in segment 13 that release eggs via female pores on segment 14.Copulation and reproduction are separate processes in earthworms. The mating pair overlap front ends ventrally and each exchanges sperm with the other

What dose the seminal vesicles do in an earthworm?

Earthworms have one or two pairs of testes contained within sacs. There are two or four pairs of seminal vesicles which produce, store and release the sperm via the male pores.

What is the function of the clitellium?

A thickened section on earthworms that contains male and female sex organs. After exchange of sperm takes place between two different worms, a mucus and chitin cocoon forms around the female pores and fertilized eggs are deposited.

What Genital parts starting with S?

The scrotum is a part of the male genital. It is a pouch located behind the penis.