Leonardo da vinci's father was a notary as was the rest of his family except fot a few exceptions. his fathers name was ser piero and was the son of antonio ( i do not know the fathers full name). the da vincis all lived a life on the farm with little travel except for clients.
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Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa and he painted the Last Supper, two very famous paintings.
He was a Roman catholic.
Shoe size unknown.
Favorite flower unknown.
He was probably ambidextrous.
His great grandmother was not in the army!
It seems he was a super genius.
Yes, he did support himself.
Some liked him, some did not.
Any Allergies unknown.
Nobody celebrates his birthday any more.
Favorite dinner unknown.
Fav color unknown.
According to geneall.net, Leonardo da Vinci's parents were Ser Piero da Vinci and Caterina (no last name listed-no ancestry listed for her outside of her child with da Vinci). It does not appear that they were married. Ser Piero da Vinci is listed as having 4 wives (Albiera, Francesca, Margherita, and Lucrezia-no mention of Caterina as a wife).
Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452.
Ser Piero da Vinci lived from 1427 to 1504. He was a notary in Florence.
There are no birth or death dates for Leonardo's mother. She later married a man from Vinci. @#$%
Click link below and read the facts!
He was a tall and handsome man
He was very strong. It is said that he was able to bend a horseshoe using just one hand!
He became a vegetarian, which is absolutely unheard of during the Renaissance period. No one was a vegetarian back then.
He would go to the market and buy the birds that the sellers would have in a cage and release them. Leonardo was fascinated by birds and fascinated in learning how to fly.
He designed several flying machines: a hand glider, one that kind of looks like a helicopter and one that resembles a pterodactyl!
He was left handed and wrote backwards. You'd need a mirror to be able to read it.
He performed autopsies in bodies because he was very curious about the human body and he used his knowledge of the body to be a better painter. In fact, Leonardo's drawings in anatomy were used for a long time by doctors because it was the ONLY accurate and detailed drawings of the human body until much much later.
Leonardo and Michelangelo did no get along. It was probably because they were both after the same art commissions. They were competitors. Leonardo was more neutral toward Michelangelo. Michelangelo on the other hand was more vocal about his dislike of Leonardo.
Leonardo was one of the best artist that ever lived. He was born in 1452 in the town of Vinci in Italy . He grew up with his father and stepmother and had many half brothers and sisters .People soon saw that Leonardo was clever at many different things not only could he draw and paint ,he could also do mathematics ,and he loved inventing things .He also loved animals and was a vegetarian , which was very unusual in those days. He would often buy animals in cages at the market so that he cou7ld set them free
Leonardo Da Vinci
No, my friend. That was Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci painted it - it is not a drawing.
No, Leonardo of Vinci. The 'proper nouns' are Leonardo, Vinci so they both get capital letters, but not the 'of'.
Leonardo Da Vinci
He painted the Mona Lisa
No, my friend. That was Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci painted it - it is not a drawing.
Leonardo da Vinci
what was leonardo da vinci's collection
No, Leonardo of Vinci. The 'proper nouns' are Leonardo, Vinci so they both get capital letters, but not the 'of'.
Leonardo Da Vinci's birth name is Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci.
Leonardo had no surname in the modern sense; "da Vinci" simply means "from Vinci". His full birth name was "Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci", meaning "Leonardo, son of (Mes)ser Piero from Vinci."
Leonardo da vinci Was An Artist,Inventer, And a Scientist. He Was Born On April 15, 1452, Near The Town Of Vinci, Not Far From Florence. His Full Name Was Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci. He Did Not Marry Or Have Children.
Da. Da means 'of' in italian. He was born in Vinci.