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They are past participles of verbs. The last two could be used as adjectives.

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Q: What are creaked and cracked and snapped?
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Which are the other adjective you can use insted of broken?

Unservicable Snapped Unusable Cracked

Is creaked a verb?

yes creaked is a verb.

How do you use creaked in a sentence?

The floor creaked from the weight of the chair.

Can you give an example of a sentence using creaked?

The old rusty door creaked

Find similies to the door creaked like?

The door creaked like an old man's bones after a long rest. The door creaked like the floor of an abandoned house. The door creaked like thin ice while a fat kid walks over it.

How do you spell creeked?

The correct spelling is creaked.Some example sentences are:The staircase creaked as he climbed up.The door no longer creaked.That floorboard always creaked when you walked on it.

Did anyone fall in the crack of the Titantic?

There were people who fell off of many points on the Titanic when it sunk. This includes the area where the ship eventually snapped and cracked into two.

Are there any other words for broken?

annihilated, busted, cracked, crushed, damaged, demolished, disintegrated, fractured, fragmented, severed, shattered, smashed, snapped, splintered, totalled

What is another word for creaked?

squeaked or in a context of a description; the door creaked as it was opened ever so slightly the hinges needed lubrication of oil... i hope this helped!

What are possible solutions for the crossword clue 'freaked out'?

went crazy, went mad, went out of one's mind, went to pieces, cracked, snapped, lost control; panicked, became hysterical; lost it, lost one's cool, cracked up, went ape, went postal.

How do you put creak in a sentence?

The door creaked open.

Do egg hatch if they are creaked?

nopes thats a foolish question