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they are harder than alkali metals

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Q: What are characteristic property of the alkaline earth metals?
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What are characteristic properties of alkaline earth metals?

they are harder than alkali metals

What is group 2A elements known as?

Alkaline Earth Metals

Elements in group 2 are called?

Group 2 elements in the periodic table are the alkaline earth metals.

What is the important characteristic do the alkali and alkaline earth metals have in common?

they all have at least one electron

What is one property of alkaline metals?

All of the alkaline earth metals are naturally occurring and they share similar properties: they are all rather reactive metals under standard conditions.

Which are products of the alkaline and earth alkaline metals combustion?

Alkaline metals and alkaline earth metals form their oxides when burnt. These oxides are base.

What is the characteristics of alkaline?

* alkaline metals contain the higher melting and also the boiling points. * These metals are present in the earths crust which does not have a basic form. * Alkaline earth metals are distributed in structure which is named as rock. * These metals have density which is low. * Alkaline earth metals have low electron affinity and as wells as low electronegativity. * One of the basic characteristic is, it contains two electrons in their outer shell.

What are Group 2 called?

Alkaline Earth Metals

What important characteristic do the alkali metals ad alkaline earth metals have in common?

They both are highly reactive and are not found in nature in elemental state.

What is the group of alkaline earth metals?

Group 2 contains the alkaline earth metals

Which is more metallic alkaline metals or alkaline earth metals?

alkali metals

What is the name of the 2nd group in the periodic table?

Group 2 is the Alkaline Earth Metals. A link can be found below.