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Blocked arteries are called coronary arteries. Carotid artery disease is another named for blocked arteries. This should be determined by a doctor.

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Q: What are blocked arteries called?
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What are arteries called?

Blocked arteries are called coronary arteries. Carotid artery disease is another named for blocked arteries. This should be determined by a doctor.

What blocked arteries can be bypassed by using veins in the leg?

They are called left internal mammary arteries (LIMAs).

Lack of blood to a tissue fed by blocked arteries is called?


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Why are coronary arteries so easily blocked by floating embolisms

What arteries would be most likely blocked in someone with chest pain?

coronary arteries

Can you get an infarction with three blocked arteries?

absolutely! You can have an infarction with just one blocked artery

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The arteries that are also called distributing arteries are called?

muscular arteries

Is it possible for blocked arteries in the heart to cause leg pain?

It is possible that because you have blocked arteries in the heart that you may also have blocked arteries in your legs, restricting blood flow and causing pain in your legs. Vascular disease is often present throughout the body. Mention this pain to your doctor and have them check the pulses in your feet. You may also need an angiogram or ultrasound of your legs.

How does the arteries and veins in the heart become blocked?

Cholesterol and bacteria form plaque on the inside wall (called tunica intima) of veins and arteries. This can make the systemic pressure rise, affecting blood pressure.

Do you have to have high cholesterol in order to have blocked arteries?

No. It is possible to have clots that block arteries. It is also possible to have a genetic predisposition such as very thin arteries that allows blockage to occur sooner.