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Cat? never - cats move gracefully. Ducks and geese waddle.

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Q: What animals waddle?
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Does a numbat waddle when it moves?

No. Numbats walk on four legs, and even though they are not fast-moving animals, they do not waddle.

What are some examples of animals that waddle?

Some examples of animals that waddle include penguins, ducks, and certain species of seals. Waddling is a distinctive way of walking characterized by a side-to-side motion with short steps. This type of movement is often seen in animals with short legs or bodies that are wider than they are tall, which makes walking in a straight line more difficult.

How fast is a penguien?

Hard to tell. They tried to measure his speed, but then he waddled away, waddle waddle. Then he waddled away, waddle waddle waddle. Then he waddled away, waddle waddle. Till the very next day of course.

Who sings the song quack quack waddle waddle on noggin?

Foster Brown sings waddle waddle quack quack. That is a different song then what is on noggin. who sings the noggin song? Curious Buddies (from Jack's Big Music Show) sing "Quack Quack Waddle Waddle." It is also available on the DVD "Curious Buddies - Let's Go to the Farm!"

What is the birth name of Chris Waddle?

Chris Waddle's birth name is Christopher Roland Waddle.

What is the birth name of Tom Waddle?

Tom Waddle's birth name is Gregory Thomas Waddle.

How do you put the word waddle in a sentence?

When ducks waddle, it's cute; when I waddle, it's not attractive.

How tall is Chris Waddle?

Chris Waddle was born on December 14, 1960.

How tall is Tom Waddle?

Tom Waddle is 6'.

What is waddle?

Waddle is to walk swaying from side to side.

What is waddle chat?

Waddle chat is an xat chat

How tall is Elijah Waddle?

Elijah Waddle is 6' 4".