Any air compressor that can achieve and hold 100psi will run an air gun. the larger the tank the more lugs you can remove before the compressor will need to run again.
You will need a ratchet and a socket to remove it. You get under the rear of the truck and you will see the bolt and bracket holding the tire in place. Remove the bolt and the bracket hinges downward. You will need a ratchet and a socket to remove it. You get under the rear of the truck and you will see the bolt and bracket holding the tire in place. Remove the bolt and the bracket hinges downward.
Remove door panel, remove glass, take out old regulator ( if you need to remove rivets by cutting or punching them out you may use nuts and bolts to install new regulator), install new regulator and glass, ensure proper function, re-install door panel.
In general, to replace an engine component when another is in the way, you have to remove or move the obstructing component. However, you do not want to disconnect the ac compressor. Unbolt it and move it a little bit. Depending on the vehicle, you should then be able to remove and replace the alternator. If the lines are not flexible, then you may need to disconnect it - in that case you need to evacuate the refrigerant, reseal and purge, and replace the refrigerant - and you need a properly trained and certified mechanic to do that.
The serpentine should route the same as with the AC except fro the AC compressor. The belt will go straight past the compressor, so you will need a shorter belt to make the bypass work.
You need to BCLear. Why did you replace it? Different reasons need different procedures.
You will need to remove all of the Freon from your air conditioning system. Remove the air conditioning hoses. Remove the compressor belt. Remove the compressor retaining bolts. Reverse the process to install the new air conditioner compressor.
If it is working fine, and the noise is only when it is disengaged you should only need to change the clutch on the compressor not the entire compressor. If there is room to pull the clutch off on the truck, then there is no need to evacuate the refrigerant.
Remove the compressor and pour it in. If its making noise its probably to late and you will need to replace it.
you need to drain all the freeon out of the system. take the belts off. and take the bolts on the compressor out. its best to get under the truck. and there is a lot of wiggling to get out.
You need a bracket made to fit your compressor and truck. There should be unused tapped holes in the block. You may also use some longer bolts at the water pump. See
Its a bit of a job, but in order to do it correctly, you need to remove the alternator and water pump and then you will have clear working area to remove and install the A/C compressor.
You will need to remove the ac compressor, alternator, and the bracket underneath them to access the bypass hose.You will need to remove the ac compressor, alternator, and the bracket underneath them to access the bypass hose.
The compressor is simple to remove assuming there is no more freon left in your system If this is not the fact, you will need to have the freon vacummed out, and this can only be done at a repair shop. As far as I know it is against the law to bleed Freon out into the air. to remove the compressor, first you need to remove tension on the serpentine belt by turning the belt tensioner. once the belt is off, you can unplug the electrical sensor. the compressor is held into the bracket by a number of bolts. on the pully side all the bolts are 13mm. there are 3 of them. on the back of the compressor there are 3 more bolts, these bolts being 10mm in size. remove the A/C lines and pull the compressor out of its bracket.
you need to compress the spring with a valve spring compressor tool, and then remove the valve keepers, and retainer.
Yoy need to remove the whole front end including radiator
pulley from same car with no air bolts in but u need to remove compressor
You need a refrigerant recovery system so take it to a garage.