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he was a helpful and loving man

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Q: What adjective would you use to describe Thomas Jefferson?
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Who mainly authored the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson is credited with the writting of the declaration of independance.Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. He asked that this feat be carved on his tombstone.

How would you describe an adverb with an adjective?

you can't but you can describe an adjective with an adverb.

Law that Thomas Jefferson wanted?

the law thomas Jefferson wanted was the one that would stop slavery the law thomas Jefferson wanted was the one that would stop slavery

Which adjective would least describe Cathy?

Vindictive is an adjective to describe Cathy.

What are some words to describe Thomas Jefferson?

Oh, dude, Thomas Jefferson? He was like a Founding Father, you know, one of those guys who helped start America. People might say he was smart, a bit controversial, and maybe even a bit of a Renaissance man. But hey, who am I to judge?

Who eles would know Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jeffersons mom

An adjective does what to a noun?

An adjective would be used to describe a noun.

What is an adjective for hippodromes?

An adjective to describe hippodromes would be Greek.

Who composed the first draft of the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson wrote Almost the entire first draft.

Would Patrick Henry or Thomas Jefferson be considered a rationalist?

I believe that Patrick Henry was the rationalist and Thomas Jefferson was more of an idealist

Who is the second president on MT Rushmore west to east?

The second president carved on Mount Rushmore is Thomas Jefferson.

Is Adjective and Adjective?

no. he is a pronoun. an adjective would have to be able to describe a noun or pronoun. He can't do that.