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The engine temperature rises until it get so hot the internal oil burns away and then the engine locks up and stops. Then you call a wrecker and get ready to spend a lot of money or abandon the car where it sits.

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14y ago

Running a car with no thermostat will decrease gas mileage and pollute because the engine is not being maintained at optimum temperature. On the cars made in the last 20 years that are computerized, this can effect other system efficiency. However, if it is only temporary it will probably be unnoticed.

On some newer vehicles it will trip the check engine light.

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Q: What Happens to a car engine without any coolant?
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What happens if you drive without any water in the engine?

First of all you shouldn't be using water, you should be using engine coolant. And to answer your question, your engine will over heat and you will not be able to drive. You can do damage to your cars radiator running with no coolant.

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Any brand coolant will work.

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In general, a coolant is any liquid that will keep your car from overheating. While, antifreeze is a liquid coolant that is formulated to withstand sub freezing temperatures without freezing to a solid state.same thing but different name,but i guess coolant is to keep your engine cool and the antifreeze also does the same plus it keeps your engine safe from frezing as well.

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An Spirit engine doesnt use any spacific type of coolant, as long as its a 50/50 mix.

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Can a 1997 ford contour run without a thermostat on it?

No. No modern engine (and by modern, I mean any of the computer-controlled engines in use since for the last couple of decades) should be run without a thermostat. The computer senses many different conditions, one of them being coolant temperature, and the engine will not run at its proper efficiency if the coolant temperature is not being properly regulated.

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Engine oil mixing with coolant and/or coolant mixing with engine oil.Losing coolant but don't see any leaks. White smoke (steam) coming out the exhaust that has a sweet smell to it.

How often to change coolant on a Honda Accord 2007?

Good question. I'm trying to find the answer myself. Closest I find is in the owner's manual on page 199, where it says "Replace engine coolant" without any mileage or time numbers.

What causes coolant to boil and overflow?

Engine coolant temperature is cooled by the radiator, moved by a water pump and controlled by a thermostat. If there are troubles with any of those components the coolant will boil Also if the head gasket goes bad gasses from combustion inside the engine will get into the coolant and cause it to boil.

What causes engine overheating?

I'm not a mechanic / technician but I can think of several things : In no particular order : - low engine coolant level , or no engine coolant because of a leak - engine thermostat sticking closed - restricted ( dirty ) radiator - water pump not circulating the engine coolant because of an impeller or belt problem - a problem with the engine cooling fan not running so air flows through the radiator any body else have any ideas ?

How do you know when your water pump on your 1995 Chevy Lumina is bad?

One way is: with a cold engine, take off the radiator cap, start the engine and let it run to operating temp, and look into the radiator to see if you see any coolant flowing usually from one side of the radiator to the other. If you look in the radiator and the coolant is not moving, then your water pump is probably gone, and don't overheat your engine. Without coolant flowing through the engine you cna overheat the engien and cause severe damage.