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Well, darling, there's only one German word that starts with an X, and that's "Xenophobie," meaning xenophobia. So, if you're looking for a German word that starts with X, that's your one and only option. Hope that satisfies your curiosity, sugar.

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14y ago

There are very few German words that begin with X:

Xanthippe - shrewish wife

Xenie - satirical epigram

Xereswein - sherry

Xylograph - wood engraver

Xylographie - wood engraving

Xylophon - xylophone

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12y ago

Zeit: time

zehn: ten

zwei: two

zwanzig: twenty

Zimmer: room

zittern: shake, tremble

ziemlich: fairly, relatively

Zug: train

zusammen: together

Zoo: zoo

Zauber: magic

zart: soft

Zahn: tooth

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