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In the late 60's and 70's almost all full size GM's had a TH350. I don't believe they come in any modern vehicles. They and the TH 400 are still widely available from re-build shops and wreckers yards. - The book, Turbo Hydra-Matic 350 Handbook, ISBN 0-89586-051-1, is a great read and will bring you a great deal of detail on the history, rebuilding and improvements you can make to these great transmissions.

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Q: What Chevy vehicles come with a TH350 transmission?
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Why will transmission shift into overdrive but wont stay in overdrive 1996 Chevy 3500?

The transmission for the 1996 Chevy 3500 could be jumping from overdrive for several reasons. The transmission could have a vacuum or electrical problem causing it to come out of overdrive. Or, there could be an internal valve problem causing this to happen.

Will the check engine light come on if the transmission fluid is low and or is the light related to the transmission as a secondary issue?

The check engine light can come on for a variety of reasons including transmission problems. It is best to have the code checked to see why the light is on. Many auto parts stores will check the code for free.

1985 Chevy alternator changeable with 1994 Chevy?

As far as bolting on, then yes. However, alternators come in different sizes. Internally, I mean. Amperage wise. If both vehicles have an equaly amount of electrical amenities, then they are probably close. NEW ANSWER: Sorry to be the 1 to say it. But the 85 will not bolt up to the 94 mounting bracket. From 1988----1995 alternators will interchange. And like Bigstrapper said, check the amperage there all different.

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How come when you step on the break your parking lights come on?

I dont know but i have the same problem in my 90 silverdo. In the older vehicles that used the 1157 bulb, if the bulb is installed incorrectly that can happen.

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