The Department of Defense (DoD) instruction number 8500.01 implements the DoD Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Program. This instruction establishes the program and outlines the responsibilities of the Program Manager, the Designated Approving Authorities, and the CUI Program Office. The instruction also establishes the requirements for labeling, safeguarding, and disseminating CUI.
What is DoD Directive 8100.2: Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in the Department of Defense (DoD) Global Information Grid (GIG)?
Principal lll
Delivering purchased items faster than the competition is not a mission for DoD contracting.
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
Which document contains the DoD Cyber Regulations for CUI and CTI? a. DFASb. FR-CIc. DFARSd. AR 25-2
DoD military, civilians, and contractors
DIACAP is established by DoD Instruction 8510.01.
There are three DoD regulations that have provisions for implementing safeguards. DoD Regulation 5400.11, "DoD Privacy Program;" DoD Instruction 8500.2, "DoD Information Assurance Implementation;" and DoD Regulation 8580.2, "DoD Health Information Security Regulation."
DODI 6055.12 DoD Hearing Conservation Program [DAP Policy]
DIACAP is DoD Instruction 8510.01. In that respect, SOME DoD instructions fall under DIACAP, but most DoD instructions have nothing to do with DIACAP.
The instruction that provides guidance for the Hearing Conservation Program for the tri-services is the DoD Instruction 6055.12, "DoD Hearing Conservation Program". This instruction establishes policy, responsibilities, and procedures for the implementation of a comprehensive hearing conservation program, including requirements for risk assessment, hearing testing, training, and record keeping. It applies to all military personnel, civilian employees, and contractors exposed to hazardous noise in the tri-services (Army, Navy, and Air Force).
DoD Instruction 8500.2
Training and Exercises Risk Management AT Planning
The cast of DoD Instruction 5000.67 Overview - 2009 includes: Daniel Dunmire